US Airlines now Requiring Face Masks on All Flights

The novel coronavirus has changed everything that we do, including the way that we fly. A few days ago, JetBlue announced that all employees would be required to wear face masks and the first airline that would require passengers to also wear face coverings.

A couple of days later, a majority of the US major airlines have now required that their passengers wear face coverings from check-in to deplaning.

tail fin of airplanes with blue and white logos

Jet Blue Tails

From a JetBlue press release, starting May 4, all customers must wear face coverings (including scarves, bandanas or other forms of face protection) during travel. The only passengers exempted from this would be small children that cannot wear their own mask.

Delta Airlines will require, also as of May 4th, that all passengers and employees wear “appropriate face coverings” when they travel with Delta. According to Bill Lentsch, Chief Customer Experience Officer:

“Nothing is more important than the health and safety of our people and our customers. While we remain committed to our new standard of clean and to providing more space for our customers when they travel, we take seriously the CDC guidelines for adding this extra layer of protection. We believe this change will give customers and employees some additional comfort when traveling with us.†

Face coverings will be required from the moment that you hit the check-in lobbies to the moment that you deplane and leave the airport. If you are in a Skyclub, you will also be required to use a face covering. Meal service on planes, of course, is the only time that you will be exempt.

As of the time of writing, Southwest Airlines is the only major US airline not requiring face masks onboard their flights.

a group of people walking in an airport

What if you don’t have a mask?

Its not like you can just walk up to your local hospital and ask for a masks. They’re in short supply, and there are some places like our local target stores that are selling masks online

Alaska Airlines matched the same requirements that American, Delta, United, and JetBlue did, but they also added that if you don’t have a mask, there will be a supply for you to use. 

American Airlines will as well, but for some reason they’re starting their requirement as of May 11th. Because, you know, the Coronavirus is going to take the next ten days off… I just don’t get it.

Alaska SkyWest Cabin Interior

An empty plane!

Can you Socially Distance on a Plane?

While airlines claim that they are blocking seats and not forcing people to sit next to each other, planes are still going out full. A recent article by Lucky over at One Mile At A Time told of a story where American Airlines forced people to sit together on airplanes in defiance of their own social distancing guidelines.

In a similar story, United Airlines reached out to “force comply” him to correct a story that he put out, stating that the guidelines were just that, guidelines, and they would do their best but were under no rush, requirement, or need, to actually make sure people sat apart once they got on the airplanes.

People will need to fly for various reasons, and face masks and social distancing will help. Until the requirements are mandatory, however, we won’t be able to help control this spread.

What do you think about face masks on airlines? Does it make you feel any safer?


Author: Jon Nickel-D'Andrea

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  1. Face masks do not make me feel safer. As a matter of fact they concern me because they present a false sense of security to the majority of people who do not understand that it is not keeping them safe, it is keeping them from making someone else sick. In addition, 90% are not even worn correctly so they are essentially doing nothing but helping create a culture of fear while reducing the chance to build immunity.

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    • Face masks can cause breathing issues with many people. I would rather they allow you to take them off periodically so you can breathe. If airlines opted to forego social distancing, why should passengers be fforced to wear masks?!

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      • Those people can choose not to fly. It’s about the needs of the many right now.

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