The Best Credit Cards for Travel to Europe and South America
With all their sign up bonuses, credit cards are an easy way to rack up a ton of points. But which card you get matters. Here are the best cards to use for Europe, Central America and South America
What are the Best Credit Cards for Travel to Asia and Africa?
Tons of credit cards offer miles and points, but what’s the best one if Asia or Africa is your destination? Click to check out our opinions.
My New Favorite Credit Card (for the next year)
Did you know that almost 30% of Americans have no credit cards? Those of us that do have credit cards have on average 3.7 cards at any one given time. I’ve made mention before that between the two of us we have about 17 different credit cards, and which one we use depends on our given mood, earning strategy, and desire for a certain points currency. We’d been ignoring a lot of cards lately because it seems like we’ve...