Seattle Airport now allows visitors past security checkpoints
It has been almost 20 years since 9/11 when visitors could just walk through security without a ticket to send off and greet family and friends. Seattle’s Sea-Tac airport is looking to change that.
Seattle is now the first airport in the country to allow visitors past security without a ticket for the first time since 9/11. This past Friday Seattle rolled out the SEA Visitor Pass.
The airport’s instagram account said it best:
Not anyone can just stroll up to the gates. You’ve got to be vetted and pass some simple background checks. If you’d like to apply, you can head directly to the airport’s website here and fill out the form.
The program will only be available Monday-Friday between the hours of 8:00am – 10:00pm. You can enroll from 7:30am-1:30pm for the next day. Once the 50 person limit is reached, you’re out of luck… you won’t be able to enroll same day however. Make sure to give yourself a little bit of time since the TSA has to do a background check.
Those accepted will be notified by TSA via email and must provide photo ID to pick up their pass the next day. Then, head through security with your gate pass just like a normal passenger would.
November 18, 2018
Why the heck would anyone go through all that. Just book a fully refundable southwest ticket and then cancel once you get through security or into the lounge.