Get a FREE trip to New Zealand Courtesy of … The Government?!

It may sound too good to be true, but right now, the government of New Zealand is offering free trips to Wellington for those who qualify.

Everyone knows that good talent is hard to find, and that talent is even harder to find when you’re on an island nation so far from everywhere else. Wellington is known as the tech capital of New Zealand with a population of about 500k (including the metro area) which makes up about 10% of the country’s population. But in comparison to large tech cities like Seattle (metro population 3.7 million) and San Francisco (metro population around 8 million) it’s hard to compete. So, what’s a country to do in order to attract talent?

a flag with red and white stars

New Zealand Flag


If you’ve wanted to check out New Zealand and you have the tech skills that would be well sought after, then check out Wellington. LookSee Wellington is looking to fill at least 100 positions, and if you’ve got the talent, they’ve got your boarding pass. According to the LookSee website:

Wellington is the South Pacific’s tech and innovation capital, bubbling with innovative tech companies developing leading edge solutions and exporting them to the world. Our tech industry is flying along and we need more people. 

So we’re bringing 100 of the best people we can find to fill 100 great tech jobs right here in Wellington. It’ll be four days of pre-arranged job interviews, meet-ups and exploration, with all flights and accommodation paid for. At the end of the week there’ll be offers to jobs you never knew existed in a place with a lifestyle you never thought possible.

The How

It’s quite simply. Start by heading to LookSee’s website and registering your profile. Then, firms all over town will check you out in a Tinder/Grindr/Bumble sort of way, and whoever gets the most likes after the submission process will be invited to come on down for a week of interviews, exploring, and networking.

Some of the positions they’re looking for include Business Intellegence, DevOps Engineers, Digital Strategists, Business Architects, Automation Test Analysts, Android Developers, and more!

Rattle ya dags!

That’s Kiwi slang for Hurry Up! This is being sponsored by the government, so if you do get a job and you’re accepted, your paperwork is all set and good to go. If you think you’d like to give this a shot, don’t wait long. The trip itself will be from May 8-11, but you’ve got to get your submissions in by March 20th. You can read more about the opportunity on the LookSee website located here. Good luck!

Author: Jon Nickel-D'Andrea

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